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Post-war Women's Writing in German: Feminist Critical Approaches

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Post-war Women's Writing in German

Feminist Critical Approaches

Edited by Chris Weedon

320 pages, bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-57181-902-4 $135.00/£104.00 / Hb / Published (March 1997)

ISBN  978-1-57181-048-9 $34.95/£27.95 / Pb / Published (March 1997)

eISBN 978-1-80073-409-8 eBook

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Most contributors consider the writing in sociohistorical contexts and demonstrate how the authors negotiate patriarchal structures. The book's strength and usefulness lie in this uniformity of approach and the amount of information provided.”  ·  Choice

"Chapters on the four German-speaking countries provide a grand survey… the volume provides ample evidence that the absence of women from the German canon in the decades after the war is due not to their silence but to gender politics."  ·  Times Literary Supplement

"A unique achievement."  ·  Das Argument


Women in the Federal Republic, the former GDR, Switzerland and Austria have initiated a remarkable literary movement, especially after 1968, which is also attracting growing attention elsewhere. Informed by critical feminist and literary theory, this broad-ranging collection, the first of its kind, examines the history of these writings in the context of the social and political developments in the respective countries. It combines survey chapters with detailed studies of prominent authors whose work is often unavailable in English.

Chris Weedon is Reader in Critical and Cultural Theory at the University of Wales, Cardiff.

Subject: Gender Studies and SexualityCultural Studies (General)Literary Studies
Area: GermanyEurope


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