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The Children of Gregoria: Dogme Ethnography of a Mexican Family

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Volume 8

Ethnography, Theory, Experiment

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The Children of Gregoria

Dogme Ethnography of a Mexican Family

Regnar Kristensen and Claudia Adeath Villamil

292 pages, bibliog., index

ISBN  978-1-78920-653-1 $135.00/£104.00 / Hb / Published (March 2020)

eISBN 978-1-78920-654-8 eBook

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“This book is remarkable. It is unique in its methodological approach to key themes in current urban anthropology... an outstanding achievement considering the staggering amount of interview transcriptions and the work to turn these ethnographic data into a readable and structured book.” • Wil G. Pansters, Utrecht University

“It is something entirely different, enervating, exciting, moving, part soap opera, part ethnography, part family history. It drags you along into Gregoria and her children’s lives and in doing so offers up a stunning insight into the challenges of bringing up a family and surviving in a poor Mexico City barrio.” • Benjamin Smith, University of Warwick


The Children of Gregoria portrays a struggling Mexico, told through the story of the Rosales family. The people entrenched in the violent communities that the Rosales belong to have been discussed, condemned, analyzed, joked about and cheered, but rarely have they been seriously listened to. This book highlights their voices and allows them to tell their own stories in an accessible, literary manner without prejudice, persecution or judgment.

Regnar Kristensen is currently externally associated with the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies of Copenhagen University. His fieldwork on the Santa Muerte cult has spanned many years, specializing in the interface between law enforcement, crime and religion in Mexico.

Claudia Adeath Villamil is a photographer and social art activist. She has lived most of her life in Mexico City, where her photo-documentary work has focused, amongst other things, on homeless women, street children, and the upsurge in the Santa Muerte cult.

Subject: Anthropology (General)Theory and MethodologyMedia Studies
Area: Latin America and the Caribbean


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