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State, Sovereignty, War: Civil Violence in Emerging Global Realities

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Volume 5

Critical Interventions: A Forum for Social Analysis

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State, Sovereignty, War

Civil Violence in Emerging Global Realities

Edited by Bruce Kapferer

176 pages, Pocket Size 4.25in x 7in

ISBN  978-1-84545-022-9 $14.95/£11.95 / Pb / Published (October 2004)

eISBN 978-0-85745-862-9 eBook

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The very institution of the state is widely conceived of as inseparable from war. If it constitutes peace within the borders or order of its sovereignty, this very peace may be the condition for its potential for war with those other states and social formation outside it. This volume represents different analytical standpoints and positions within global processes, inviting further discussion on contemporary realities and the development of new formations of war and violence.

Bruce Kapferer is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Bergen. He has held academic positions in Zambia, Manchester, Adelaide, London, and Queensland and carried out extensive fieldwork in Zambia, Sri Lanka, India, Australia, and South Africa.

Subject: Peace and Conflict StudiesTheory and Methodology


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