Volume 15
Worlds in Motion
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Transnationalities of Migrant Moral Economies in a Transforming World
Edited by Vytis Čiubrinskas and Nina Glick Schiller
298 pages, 2 ills., bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-80539-938-4 $135.00/£104.00 / Hb / Not Yet Published (April 2025)
eISBN 978-1-80539-939-1 eBook Not Yet Published
People who are “on the move” often occupy a state of betwixt and between, in which moral and economic value is subject to change. This enlightening and geographically wide-ranging reassessment of migrant moral economies, Transnationalities of Migrant Moral Economies in a Transforming World delineates migrants’ reciprocity, responsibility and dignity, as they respond to and contest unequal political and economic power. In doing so, this volume examines the transformative potential of transnational mobility to create social networks and to sustain reciprocity capable of resisting contemporary authoritarian efforts to sacralize borders and dehumanize migrants.
Vytis Čiubrinskas is Professor of Social Anthropology at Vytautas Magnus University and visiting Associate Professor at the School of Anthropology, Political Science and Sociology, at Southern Illinois University. He has published more than fifty articles and chapters on the politics of ethnic and national identity construction in relation to transnationalism, cultural heritage and social memory. His recent publications include; Returning-Remitting-Receiving. Social Remittances of Transnational (Re)migrants to Croatia, Lithuania, and Poland (LIT Verlag, 2023), Transnacionalizmas ir Nacionalinio Identiteto Fragmentacija (Vyatus Magnus University, 2014), and a guest-edited special issue of Ethnologie francaise (2018).
Nina Glick Schiller is a visiting scholar at the New School, an Emeritus Professor at the University of Manchester and University of New Hampshire, a founding editor of Identities, and a co-editor of Anthropological Theory. Her eleven books and more than 100 articles and chapters provide comparative and historical perspectives on migration and city making, transnational processes and social relations, and process of dispossession and displacement, among others. Her co-authored books include Migrants and City Making (Duke University Press, 2018); Nations Unbound (Routledge 1994); and Georges Woke Up Laughing: Long Distance Nationalism and the Search for Home (Duke University Press, 2001).