Berghahn Series
Ethnography, Theory, Experiment
Series Editors:
Martin Holbraad, Department of Anthropology, University College London
Morten Axel Pedersen, Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen
Soumhya Venkatesan, Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology, University of Manchester
In recent years, ethnography has been increasingly recognized as a core method for generating qualitative data within the social sciences and humanities. This series explores a more radical, methodological potential of ethnography: its role as an arena of theoretical experimentation. It includes volumes that call for a rethinking of the relationship between ethnography and theory in order to question, and experimentally transform, existing understandings of the contemporary world.
Formal submissions should be sent directly to Berghahn Books. For more information on Berghahn's manuscript submission procedure, please look at the Info for Authors section on this web site. All submissions to this series, as well as any queries about the formal procedure, should be sent to Berghahn.
Volume 10
Dreaming and the Imagination
Theoretical Intersections in Cross-Cultural Perspective
Edited by Matthew D. Newsom
Published: 2025 -
Volume 9
Cattle Poetics
How Aesthetics Shapes Politics in Mursiland, Ethiopia
Jean-Baptiste Eczet
Published: 2021
Translated from French by Andrea Davoust and Wendy Ribeyrol
Foreword by Philippe Descola -
Volume 8
The Children of Gregoria
Dogme Ethnography of a Mexican Family
Regnar Kristensen and Claudia Adeath Villamil
Published: 2020 -
Volume 7
Going to Pentecost
An Experimental Approach to Studies in Pentecostalism
Annelin Eriksen, Ruy Llera Blanes, and Michelle MacCarthy
Published: 2019 -
Volume 6
Cutting Cosmos
Masculinity and Spectacular Events among the Bugkalot
Henrik Hvenegaard Mikkelsen
Published: 2018 -
Volume 5
Vital Diplomacy
The Ritual Everyday on a Dammed River in Amazonia
Chloe Nahum-Claudel
Published: 2017 -
Volume 4
Violent Becomings
State Formation, Sociality, and Power in Mozambique
Bjørn Enge Bertelsen
Published: 2016 -
Volume 3
Anthropology in Fluid Environments
Edited by Kirsten Hastrup and Frida Hastrup
Published: 2015 -
Volume 2
Figurations of the Future
Forms and Temporalities of Left Radical Politics in Northern Europe
Stine Krøijer
Published: 2015 -
Volume 1
An Anthropological Trompe L'Oeil for a Common World
An Essay on the Economy of Knowledge
Alberto Corsín Jiménez
Published: 2013